The Standard
3.4.1 Registrants adhere to all professional standards whether their practice is electronic, telephonic, in person, or a hybrid thereof.
3.4.2 Registrants obtain informed consent from clients regarding the use of electronic communication media in the provision of services.
3.4.3 Registrants take reasonable steps to ensure that the technology employed is secure, confidential, and appropriate given the needs of the client.
3.4.4 Registrants ensure that their professional liability insurance provides sufficient coverage for electronic services prior to treating clients.
3.4.5 Registrants comply with relevant professional licensing requirements in the jurisdictions where clients are located.
3.4.6 Registrants offering modalities requiring written communication (secure text or email based) include copies of correspondence and treatment-related communication in the clinical record.
3.4.7 Registrants do not rely on information obtained from computer-generated assessments, reports, or statements without exercising their own professional judgment.