The Standard
2.1.1 Registrants understand their professional capabilities and limitations in regard to client populations served, issues treated, and modalities used.
2.1.2 Registrants only provide services that are within their knowledge, skill, and judgment, i.e., competence, to provide.
2.1.3 Registrants ensure any clinical advice or information they provide is based on reasonable professional opinion.
2.1.4 Registrants complete appropriate, verifiable education, and receive clinical supervision or consultation, before changing or expanding their practice area.
2.1.5 When registrants are treating a client within their practice area and encounter an issue beyond their competence, registrants receive clinical supervision or consult a more experienced colleague.
2.1.6 When consultation and clinical supervision do not provide adequate safeguards, registrants refer the client to another professional who is qualified to provide the required care.
2.1.7 Registrants receive clinical supervision when it is required for safe and effective treatment, beneficial for professional development or expanding competency, or when it is required by CRPO.
2.1.8 Registrants practising with clinical supervision promptly notify their clinical supervisor when a client presents an issue outside the registrant’s area of competence.