The Standard
1.2.1 Registrants use terms, titles, and designations appropriately.
1.2.2 Registrants use the title conferred by the College when acting in a professional capacity, giving prominence to this title above any other qualification, designation, or title.
1.2.3 Registrants use terms, titles, or designations implying a specialization only if they are earned, conferred by a recognized credentialing body, meets established standards, and prominence is given to the registrant’s regulated title.
1.2.4 Registrants make reasonable efforts to correct others (including clients or colleagues) when they refer to the registrant using an incorrect title.
1.2.5 Registrants do not use the title “doctor”, including any associated abbreviations, when offering or providing healthcare services, including psychotherapy. [3]
1.2.6 Registrants shall not permit, counsel, or assist a person to represent themself falsely as a registrant.
[3] A registrant may use the doctor title when offering or providing healthcare if they are registered with one of the colleges whose members are authorized to do so (see commentary).