Complaints Process

Standard 3.6: Complaints Process

The Professional Practice Standards regarding the complaints process. This includes the four standards, examples in demonstrating the standard, definitions, and related resources.

Complaints Process

Standard 3.6: Complaints Process

The Professional Practice Standards regarding the complaints process. This includes the four standards, examples in demonstrating the standard, definitions, and related resources.

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The Standard


3.6.1 As part of the consent process, registrants inform clients that the registrant is registered with CRPO and that CRPO is the organization that sets the rules for and considers complaints about registered psychotherapists.


3.6.2 If asked, registrants inform individuals of their right to file a complaint with the College.


3.6.3 If asked, registrants provide the College’s contact information.


3.6.4 If asked, registrants inform clients that the College’s mandate is to regulate registered psychotherapists in the public interest, and that the College has standards and policies available on its website.

Standard 3.6

Demonstrating the Standard

  • Standard 3.6

    • Providing general information about the College to clients, their authorized representatives, and members of the public.
    • If asked how to file a complaint about their professional conduct, informing individuals of their right to file a complaint with the College.
Standard 3.4



CRPO’s ability to regulate the profession in the public interest requires people to be aware of the College’s existence and role. Clients, their authorized representatives, and members of the public have a right to file a complaint with the College regarding a registrant’s professional conduct. Registrants must advise individuals of such if asked. If a person asks for general information about regulation, their rights, practice standards, or to whom they can complain about the registrant’s professional conduct, it is the registrant’s responsibility to advise the person to contact the College.


Additional information for clients regarding the complaints process can be found below at: Filing a Complaint About a Psychotherapist


Contact information for the College is as follows:


College of Registered Psychotherapists of Ontario

375 University Avenue, Suite 800

Toronto, ON M5G 2J5

Tel: 416-479-4330 or 1-844-712-1364

Fax: 416-639-2168

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