Non-Council Member Appointments
Are you an RP looking to contribute your knowledge and skills as a CRPO committee appointment? We are currently looking to appoint up to fourteen (14) RPs to CRPO committees.
Non-Council Member Appointments
Are you an RP looking to contribute your knowledge and skills as a CRPO committee appointment? We are currently looking to appoint up to fourteen (14) RPs to CRPO committees.
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Information on Non-Council Member Appointments
Presently, CRPO is seeking up to fourteen (14) RPs to serve on the following committees:
- Examination (up to 3 positions)
- Quality Assurance (up to 2 positions)
- Registration (up to 3 positions)
- Nominations and Elections (1 position)
- Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Working Group (up to 5 positions)
Committee meetings and panels are held virtually throughout the year with frequency depending on committee workload. RPs seeking appointment should consider the time commitment involved and are encouraged to discuss with their employer. For more information on time commitment by committee, please review the Time Commitment guideline.
Yes. We are seeking registrants with the following knowledge, skills and experience.
The Examination Committee is seeking:
- An internationally trained professional who has satisfied the entry to practice exam requirement
- A graduate of a bridging program who has satisfied the entry to practice exam requirement
- Training & experience working with individuals with disabilities and accommodating those individuals
- Experience as an educator in competency-based testing or high stakes exams
- Knowledge & understanding of CRPO’s entry-to-practice competencies
The Quality Assurance Committee is seeking:
- RPs with lived experience as a member of an equity deserving community
- experience working with underserved populations from equity-deserving communities
The Nominations and Elections Committee is seeking:
- Expertise in diversity, inclusion and cultural humility
- RPs with lived experience as a member of an equity deserving community
The Registration Committee is seeking:
- Indigenous RPs with training, experience or expertise in Indigenous Traditional healing practices.
- RPs who identify as First Nations, Inuit or Metis
The Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Working Group (DEIWG) is seeking RPs who:
- Identify as members of equity-deserving groups, including those with intersectional identities. For more information on the perspectives and experiences being invited, please refer to the DEIWG Terms of Reference under “Working Group Composition” here Terms-of-Reference-Diversity-Equity-and-Inclusion-Working-Group-Feb2024.pdf
- committee experience and/or a solid understanding of regulatory environments and policy development, gained through either direct involvement in regulatory contexts or through relevant experience in related fields.
CRPO encourages applications from RPs:
- who are members of equity-deserving communities
- who work in a variety of modalities
- who work in a variety of settings, including institutions and other provincially funded agencies
- with disabilities.
If you require accommodation during the application process, please contact
- Professional competencies & committee-specific competencies (e.g., modality of practice, adjudicatory experience, mediation, etc.)
- Practice setting (e.g., hospital, rehab hospital/centre, community, private practice, etc.)
- Practice demographics (e.g., geographic location in the province, clients served, rural or urban, French-speaking, etc.)
Non-council members who sit on committees receive remuneration for attendance and preparation in accordance with the Per Diem & Honoraria Remuneration of Council and Committee Members policy linked in Related Resources below. When travel, accommodations and/or meals are required, non-council members will be reimbursed in accordance with the Travel Expenses Remuneration of Council and Committee Members policy, also linked below.
Complete the screening survey and upload a current curriculum vitae by January 10, 2025.
Interested in Applying?
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