Registration Renewal

Annual Registration Renewal Information

CRPO Registrants of every category must renew their registration annually. Here you will find detailed information on the renewal process.

Please note that as of 4pm on January 31, CRPO’s portal will be offline for upgrades.


This means the applicant and registrant accounts will not be accessible. The public register is available but dated as of 4pm on January 31. The portal will be back online by February 10 and registration renewal will open no later than February 14.


Thank you for your patience at this time.

Registration Renewal

Annual Registration Renewal Information

CRPO Registrants of every category must renew their registration annually. Here you will find detailed information on the renewal process.

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Registration Renewal Due Dates & Late Fees


Registration renewal for the upcoming 2025-2026 registration year will open on February 10, 2025, and closes March 31, 2025, at 5:00 p.m. ET.


Registrants who do not renew their registration by 4:59 p.m. on March 31, 2024 will have a late fee of $150.00 + HST applied to their account. To renew, you must submit the online renewal form, pay your annual registration fee and pay the late fee in full.


Registrants who are late and do not renew (including paying the late fee) on or before 11:59 p.m. on April 30, 2024, may be suspended. Suspended individuals are no longer able to practise the profession and the suspension is reflected on the Public Register. The fee for lifting a suspension is $350.00 + HST.

Registration Renewal Fees

The 2025-2026 annual registration fee for each registration category are as follows:

  • Registration Renewal Fees

    Registered Psychotherapist: $620.00 +HST


    A complete renewal means that you have filled out the online renewal form and your annual registration fee payment has been submitted via Visa or MasterCard.


    CRPO’s by-laws set out that fee increases occur every two years for inflation. Due to the pandemic, CRPO did not increase fees. The fees will increase in June 2026.

  • Registration Renewal Fees

    Registered Psychotherapist (Qualifying): $338.00 +HST

    A complete renewal means that you have filled out the online renewal form and your annual registration fee payment has been submitted via Visa or MasterCard.


    CRPO’s by-laws set out that fee increases occur every two years for inflation. Due to the pandemic, CRPO did not increase fees. The fees will increase in June 2026.

  • Registration Renewal Fees

    Registered Psychotherapist (Inactive): $310.00 +HST


    A complete renewal means that you have filled out the online renewal form and your annual registration fee payment has been submitted via Visa or MasterCard.


    CRPO’s by-laws set out that fee increases occur every two years for inflation. Due to the pandemic, CRPO did not increase fees. The fees will increase in June 2026.

Renewal Form Overview


The renewal form is pre-populated with information you entered in your original application, on the previous year’s renewal, or content modified by staff (with your agreement). You will be able to review the content in each section and make any necessary changes.


CRPO recently migrated to a new user management system. As such, there may be some renewal information that you will be asked to re-complete in this year’s renewal.  You will be asked to review information in the following areas:


  • Personal information
  • Currency
  • Regulatory history
  • Legal proceedings and past conduct
  • Conditions and accommodations
  • Health information custodian successor
  • Health professions database questions
  • Declaration and consent to the release of information


Each page of the online renewal form must be completed in the order in which they are presented. For each page, review the information that is presented and make any necessary changes, then click the “Save & continue” button at the bottom of the page. The final page of the renewal form is the invoice, where you can remit payment for the registration renewal fee by Visa or MasterCard. Once you have entered your credit card information, you can click the “Process payment” button. Please only click the payment button once. After submitting your payment, you will be automatically directed to a confirmation page indicating that your renewal has been successfully submitted.


If you made no changes, your renewal will be automatically approved. You will receive an email confirming that your renewal is approved.


If you made changes or if there is something in your renewal that requires review, you will receive an email confirming that your renewal has been submitted. Your online renewal form will then be reviewed by staff and, if there are any follow-up questions, you will be contacted by email. Once the review of your renewal is complete and approved by staff, you will be sent an email confirming that your renewal is approved.


It normally takes a regulatory body several months to review all registration renewals. Registrants can continue to practise as usual while their renewal is being processed.


Please note the College does not issue a new Certificate of Registration each year. Employers, supervisors, clients, etc. can check your registration status on the Public Register. If you would like a letter of standing (subject to a $34.00 +HST administrative fee), you may request one at any time by emailing


Information Not in the Renewal Form


Some information is not part of the annual registration renewal process. This includes:


  • Practice site information. This can be updated at any time on the “Practice Information” page of your user account.
  • Clinical experience hours. If you need hours to transfer from RP (Qualifying) to RP or to be eligible for RP independent practice, you can do so at any time in the “Practice Information” page of your user account.
  • Quality Assurance (QA) Program requirements, such as professional development hours. See more information on the Quality Assurance Program page. If you have questions about the QA Program that are not answered on our website, please email your questions directly to

Renewal Form Frequently Asked Questions

Error messages on the renewal form will be accompanied with red text identifying the specific field(s) that have an error. Please look for the red text designating where the issue is occurring, then fix the information in that field.


If you are uncertain what the error may be, please email with a screenshot of the page that you are having difficulty on. Ensure that the screenshot includes all fields and error messages so that staff can assist you.

For the 2025-2026 renewal, the currency window is January 1, 2021 to December 31, 2023. Hours completed during this time period may count towards currency, provided that they are related to the practise of psychotherapy and fall into one of the currency categories such as:


  • direct client work;
  • record-keeping and preparation in relation to direct client work;
  • professional development in psychotherapy;
  • engaging in clinical supervision as a supervisee;
  • conducting research or writing in the field of psychotherapy;
  • supervising;
  • teaching;
  • managing;
  • consulting; and
  • other professional activities that impact the practice of psychotherapy.

RPs are not required to provide documentary proof of their currency hours unless specifically requested to do so by College staff. In the renewal form, you would just select whichever option applies to you.

In the renewal form, please select the option indicating that you have not completed 750 currency hours. You will then be asked to provide an explanation of why you have not completed the required hours and any circumstances that may apply. You will also be required to provide a breakdown of the currency hours that you have completed. Your submission will be reviewed by the Registrar. You may be required to complete upgrading activities or undergo a peer and practice assessment.

The question is asking whether you are currently registered, previously registered or have ever been refused registration with any other statutory regulatory body. You would select “yes” and provide the relevant information if any of the following apply:


  • You are currently registered with another regulatory body, OR
  • You were previously registered with another regulatory body, OR
  • You were refused registration with another regulatory body.


If you have only ever been registered with CRPO, you would select “no”.

If you previously reported current or past membership or refusal with another statutory regulatory body, the answer to the question is “yes” and cannot be changed.

No, membership with associations that are not statutory regulatory bodies should not be reported in the renewal form.

If you previously reported information about a condition or accommodation, “yes” will be automatically selected. If you have any changes to your selection, you can update the response and/or information reported.

If you do not have custody of any client records, please check the applicable box.


If you do have custody of client records, please input the name and other requested information of each successor custodian.

For education in the profession, you can report up to five levels of education and training that you have completed. The profession means within the scope of practice of psychotherapy, as defined in Psychotherapy Act, 2007.


For education outside the profession, if you have completed a higher level of education you would select “yes” and input the relevant details. If you have not completed a higher level of education outside the profession, please select “no”.


Please use your professional judgement to determine whether a specific education and training program is in the profession.

The questions in Step 7 and 8 are standard questions with standard drop-down menus set by the Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care and is collected for the Ministry, not CRPO. CRPO cannot change the drop-down menus. All 26 regulatory health colleges use the same menus.


If your education institution is not on the list, please select either “Private Career College” or “Not Applicable” from the drop-down menu. If the school/institution is outside of Canada, select “Out of Country”.

If you are currently practicing the profession and you have graduated from your education program in psychotherapy, you would select “yes” and input the relevant details. If you have not yet graduated or if you have not begun practicing psychotherapy since the date you graduated, you would select “no”.

Certain information should not change year-over-year. For example, the year that a registrant first began practising the profession is not something that would change. As such, fields that should not change will be locked once the registrant has entered information into it.


Other information will remain unlocked and changes can be made at every renewal, if necessary. For example, if a registrant chooses to complete a higher level of education in an unrelated field because they are looking to change careers, then they may need to update their education outside of the profession.

The bottom of step 8 is asking for a proportion of weekly practice hours doing each of the specified activities. So, the percentages that you enter into each of the six boxes must total either 0 or 100%. The total should only be 0 if you did not work in the psychotherapy field at all in the last year. The box at the bottom is the sum of the percentages you enter in the six boxes.


Here is an example: Bob works 40 hours per week. Of these 40 hours, approximately half of Bob’s time is providing direct professional services, and the rest of Bob’s time is split evenly between research and administration. So, Bob’s entries would look like this:


  • Proportion of average weekly practice hours on direct professional services: 50
  • Proportion of average weekly practice hours on teaching: 0
  • Proportion of average weekly practice hours on clinical education: 0
  • Proportion of average weekly practice hours on research: 25
  • Proportion of average weekly practice hours on administration: 25
  • Proportion of average weekly practice hours on all other activities: 0


The total of these boxes is 100% (50 + 25 + 25 = 100).


The above is an example only. Please ensure that you are reporting proportions that accurately reflect your practice.

You are not required to provide information about your updated insurance coverage unless specifically requested to do so by College staff, or if you are selected to participate in an insurance audit. If you are selected for audit, you will be notified and required to provide documentary proof of your insurance coverage.

No, you will not be able to delete information once it has been added. You can email staff at to specify what entry you would like deleted.

General Frequently Asked Questions

The email ‘CRPO – Renewal Reminder’ is specifically about registration renewal for the 2025-2026 registration year. This involves submission of the online renewal form and payment of the online renewal fee, both of which are done in the “Renewal” page of your account.

All registrants must renew their registration annually, by March 31st each year. This year’s renewal will open on February 1st and is due by March 31st.

Yes, you are required to renew your registration for the upcoming registration year.

New registrants who are initially registered in January to March will no longer be required to complete the annual renewal form, since the application approval date is close to the renewal deadline. Instead, these new registrants will be required to pay the renewal fee when their application is approved.

No, fees must be paid by Visa or MasterCard directly through your user account. The alternative for individuals without credit cards is a prepaid credit card.

Payment is the last step of the renewal form. So, you must go to the “Renewal” page of your user account, go through the renewal form and provide the requested information for each section, and on the final page you will be presented with the invoice.

Before you can access the online renewal form, you must complete the Health Professions Database information in the “HPDB information” page of your user account. These questions are required by the Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care. Please complete the questions. It should only take a few minutes.

If you made no changes, your renewal will be automatically approved. You will receive an email confirming that your renewal is approved.


If you made changes or if there is something in your renewal that requires review, you will receive an email confirming that your renewal has been submitted. Your online renewal form will then be reviewed by staff and, if there are any follow-up questions, you will be contacted by email. Once the review of your renewal is complete and approved by staff, you will be sent an email confirming that your renewal is approved.

It normally takes a regulatory body several months to review all renewals. Registrants who have completed both items required for renewal (i.e., payment of the registration fee and submission of the online renewal form) can continue to practise as usual while their renewal is being processed.

No, CRPO does not issue a new Certificate of Registration each year.

The learning plan and learning record are part of the Quality Assurance (QA) Program, which is separate from registration renewal. For more information about the QA program, please see the QA Program page. If you have additional questions about the Quality Assurance Program page, please email

This information can be updated in the “Practice information” page of your account.

This information can be updated in the “Practice information” page of your account.

Information about the Inactive category can be found on the Registration Categories page linked below. The deadline to request to transfer to the Inactive category is March 12, 2024. Registrants who submit a request to transfer to the Inactive category after this deadline may be required to pay the full RP registration renewal fee for the 2024-2025 registration year. Your transfer date must also take place on or before April 1st, as this is the date that the new registration year begins.

If you wish to resign your registration, please submit a resignation request directly through the “Category transfer request” page of your user account.

Transferring to the Inactive Category


Registrants who are taking an extended leave from the practise of the profession may request to transfer their registration to the Inactive category. Inactive registrants are still required to renew their registration annually. To be invoiced the Inactive registration fee for 2024-2025, you must submit a transfer to Inactive category request in the “Category Transfer Request” page of your user account and have it approved by staff before completing your renewal. The deadline to request to transfer to the Inactive category is March 12, 2024. Registrants who submit a request to transfer to the Inactive category after this deadline may be required to pay the full RP registration renewal fee for the 2024-2025 registration year. Your transfer date must also take place on or before April 1st, as this is the date that the new registration year begins. Once staff have approved your request, you can complete your renewal and pay the RP (Inactive) renewal fee.


It is important that you wait until you have received written confirmation from College staff that your transfer request is approved. If you pay the RP renewal fee prior to your Inactive request being approved by staff, you will not receive a refund.


Get more information on the Registration Categories page.  If you have questions about the Inactive category that are not answered on our website, please email your questions to


RP (Qualifying) and RP (Temporary) registrants are not eligible to transfer to the Inactive category.


Suspension of Registration for Incomplete Renewal 


Any registrant who does not meet all of the renewal requirements within the stipulated deadlines risks suspension of their registration with CRPO.


Suspended individuals are not permitted to use any restricted title, practise or supervise the provision of psychotherapy for the purposes of registration with the College, perform the controlled act of psychotherapy, nor hold themselves out as qualified to practise as a psychotherapist in Ontario. The suspension is reflected on the Public Register.


Lifting a suspension for an incomplete renewal involves paying outstanding fees (registration fee, late fee and suspension lifting fee), submitting the renewal form, holding insurance, and complying with any outstanding orders or requirements issued by CRPO’s statutory committees (i.e., Inquiries, Complaints and Reports Committee, Discipline, Fitness to Practise or Quality Assurance Committees).


Revocation and Reinstatement  


If the Registrar suspends a Certificate of Registration and the individual does not take the steps outlined above to lift the suspension, the Registrar has authority to revoke the registrant’s certificate two years after the day it was suspended. Again, this status will be reflected on the Public Register.


If a former registrant, whose Certificate of Registration was revoked because they failed to pay a fee that is required to be paid in accordance with the By-laws, wishes to return to practice, the Registrar has the authority to reinstate the Certificate if certain conditions are met. The former registrant will have to satisfy a panel of the Registration Committee that they are competent to safely practise psychotherapy, will pay the outstanding fees, have professional liability insurance coverage in the amount and form required under the By-laws, and will be in compliance on the anticipated date on which registration is to be reinstated with any outstanding requirements or orders issued by CRPO’s statutory committees (e.g. Inquiries, Complaints and Reports Committee, Discipline, Fitness to Practise or Quality Assurance Committees)


For more information about the conditions associated with suspensions, revocations and reinstatement, see sections 23 to 27 of the Registration Regulation. If you have any questions, please contact us at

The Health Professions Database

Tips for Health Professions Database Questions

The Health Professions Database provides a snapshot of Ontario’s regulated healthcare workforce so the province has information it needs on healthcare professionals to develop policies and programs.

Concurrent Province/Territory/State of Registration

This refers to registration with a regulatory body in any other province other than Ontario. If you are not currently registered with a regulatory body outside of Ontario, please select “Not Applicable”.

Concurrent Country of Registration

If you are registered in another province, you may select “Canada”. If you are registered with a regulatory body in another country, select that country from the drop-down menu. If you are not registered outside of Ontario, please select “Not Applicable”.

Country Not in Drop-Down Menu

If the country you are looking to select for any part of the Health Professions Database form is not in the drop-down menu, please select the most appropriate option that is in the list.

Practice Status, Preference, Weeks & Hours

Select the most appropriate options from the drop-down menus and input the approximate number of weeks/hours in each field.

Practice Sites

The information for Site 1 is required. With this in mind, you will need to select information for each field in Site 1 and provide a postal code. If you have a second or third practice site, please fill in the information for Site 2 and 3 respectively.


If you only have one practice site, leave the fields for Site 2 and 3 as “Please Select…”. Changing these fields to “Not Applicable” will prevent the page from saving.

Education in Psychotherapy

This information should be pre-populated with the information entered in your original application. Select the appropriate options from the drop-down menus.

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