Recognized & Non-Recognized Programs

Information on Recognized & Non-Recognized Programs

When you apply for registration with CRPO, you will need to indicate whether you have completed a recognized training program or a non-recognized program. Read this page for additional information.

Recognized & Non-Recognized Programs

Information on Recognized & Non-Recognized Programs

Education Requirements for Registration


CRPO requires a master’s-level program central to the practice of psychotherapy for registration. This can be a master’s degree or an equivalent graduate diploma that requires completion of a bachelor’s-level program for admission. The program must provide training in the Entry-to-Practice Competencies.


When you apply for registration with CRPO, you will need to indicate whether you have completed a recognized training program/accepted bridging program or a non-recognized program. You can use the information below to determine whether you completed a recognized/accepted program.


Recognized Programs Information


Recognized programs have submitted applications to demonstrate that they meet the minimum education requirements for registration. Recognition does not constitute an endorsement or recommendation of a program by the College. If you have completed a recognized program, you don’t need to provide detailed information about your education and training. Except where otherwise noted, recognition is retroactive for a period of five years before the recognition date. If you graduated in the five years prior to the date of recognition, you are considered to have graduated from a recognized program.




  • Your program was recognized on April 1, 2020. You graduated in 2018. Because you graduated within the five years prior to recognition, you can use the application for recognized programs.
  • Your program was recognized on April 1, 2020. You graduated in 2010. Because you graduated more than five years prior to recognition, you are not considered to have completed a recognized program. You must select the Non-recognized program application type and fill out the Mapping Tool.


Programs are recognized by the Registration Committee for a period of five years. At the end of each five-year period, the program must submit an application for renewal to demonstrate that the program still meets the minimum education requirements for registration. If a program’s recognition is not renewed, this will be noted below. Applicants who graduated prior to the end of recognition will still be considered to have completed a recognized program.

CRPO Recognized Programs Part 1

Below is an alphabetical list of CRPO Recognized Programs. If a program is not listed, it is not a recognized/accepted program.

  • CRPO Recognized Programs

    Adler Graduate Professional School Inc. (Toronto)


    Master of Psychology


    Recognition Date:

    April 23, 2020

  • CRPO Recognized Programs

    Athabasca University


    Master of Counselling (Counselling Psychology)


    Recognition Date:

    June 17, 2022

  • CRPO Recognized Programs

    Canadian Institute for Child and Adolescent Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy


    Diploma for Child and Adolescent Psychoanalytic Psychotherapist


    Recognition Date:

    February 4, 2015

  • CRPO Recognized Programs

    Canadian International Institute of Art Therapy


    Art Psychotherapy Diploma


    Recognition Date:

    August 19, 2022

  • CRPO Recognized Programs

    Centre for Training in Psychotherapy


    Diploma of The Centre for Training in Psychotherapy


    Recognition Date:

    February 2, 2018

  • CRPO Recognized Programs

    City University of Seattle (City University in Canada)


    Master of Counselling


    Recognition Date:

    July 27, 2023

  • CRPO Recognized Programs

    CREATE Institute


    Diploma in Expressive Arts Therapy


    Recognition Date:

    March 8, 2022*Applicants enrolled in the program prior to September 2019 must select the non-recognized program application type and fill out the Mapping Tool.

  • CRPO Recognized Programs

    Gestalt Institute of Toronto


    Diploma, Five-Year Training Program in Gestalt Psychotherapy


    Recognition Date:

    June 11, 2014

  • CRPO Recognized Programs

    Martin Luther University College, Wilfrid Laurier University

    (formerly Waterloo Lutheran Seminary)



    Master of Arts in Theology – Spiritual Care and Psychotherapy


    Recognition Date:

    July 31, 2018

  • CRPO Recognized Programs

    Ontario Association of Jungian Analysts


    Analyst Training Program


    Recognition Date:

    July 18, 2019

  • CRPO Recognized Programs

    Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, University of Toronto


    Master of Education in Counselling Psychology – Counselling and Psychotherapy


    Recognition Date:

    September 24, 2014

  • CRPO Recognized Programs

    Ontario Psychotherapy and Counselling College


    Diploma in Psychotherapy with focus on Psychodynamic Therapy


    Recognition Date:

    October 21, 2016

  • CRPO Recognized Programs

    Saint Paul University


    Master of Arts in Counselling and Spirituality


    Recognition Date:

    October 15, 2018

  • CRPO Recognized Programs

    Toronto Art Therapy Institute


    Graduate Level Diploma in Art Therapy


    Recognition Date:

    August 14, 2018

CRPO Recognized Programs Part 2

Below is the continued alphabetical list of CRPO Recognized Programs. If a program is not listed, it is not a recognized/accepted program.

  • CRPO Recognized Programs

    Toronto Centre for Psychotherapy and Counselling Education


    Certificate in Psychotherapy


    Recognition Date:

    April 23, 2020

  • CRPO Recognized Programs

    Toronto Institute of Contemporary Psychoanalysis


    Diploma in Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy


    Recognition Date:

    January 31, 2019

  • CRPO Recognized Programs

    Toronto Institute for Relational Psychotherapy

    Diploma, Toronto Institute for Relational Psychotherapy


    Recognition Date:

    June 17, 2015

  • CRPO Recognized Programs

    Toronto Institute of Psychoanalysis


    Certificate of Graduation as Psychoanalyst


    Recognition Date:

    December 9, 2016

  • CRPO Recognized Programs

    Toronto School of Theology (Knox/Emmanuel College), University of Toronto


    Master of Psychospiritual Studies, Spiritual Care and Psychotherapy Certificate (formerly Master of Pastoral Studies, Spiritual Care and Psychotherapy Certificate)


    Recognition Date:

    April 13, 2018

  • CRPO Recognized Programs

    Transformational Arts College


    Spiritual Psychotherapy Program


    Recognition Date:

    October 28, 2022

  • CRPO Recognized Programs

    Tyndale University


    Master of Divinity – Counselling Major – Clinical Stream


    Recognition Date:

    November 28, 2016

  • CRPO Recognized Programs

    Tyndale University


    Master of Arts in Clinical Counselling


    Recognition Date:

    May 6, 2022

  • CRPO Recognized Programs

    University of Guelph


    Master in Psychotherapy


    Recognition Date:

    February 9, 2024

  • CRPO Recognized Programs

    University of Guelph


    Master in Relational and Family Therapy (formerly M.Sc. Couple and Family Therapy Program)


    Recognition Date:

    November 12, 2015

  • CRPO Recognized Programs

    Université de Hearst


    Diplôme d’études supérieures en psychothérapie


    Recognition Date:

    July 22, 2021

  • CRPO Recognized Programs

    University of Ottawa


    Master of Education (M.Ed.)/Master of Arts in Education (M.A.) in Counselling Psychology


    Recognition Date:

    April 29, 2021

  • CRPO Recognized Programs

    Vancouver Art Therapy Institute


    Graduate Level Diploma in Art Therapy


    Recognition Date:

    November 10, 2020

  • CRPO Recognized Programs

    Western University


    Master of Arts in Counselling Psychology


    Recognition Date:

    June 6, 2016

  • CRPO Recognized Programs

    Yorkville University


    Master of Arts in Counselling Psychology


    Recognition Date:

    March 27, 2015

  • CRPO Recognized Programs

    Wilfrid Laurier University


    Master of Music Therapy (one-year program)


    Recognition Date:

    May 3, 2024

  • CRPO Recognized Programs

    Wilfrid Laurier University


    Master of Music Therapy (two-year program)


    Recognition Date:

    May 3, 2024

Accepted Bridging Program Information


The Bridge to Registration and Employment in Mental Health program (BREM), delivered by the Mennonite New Life Centre of Toronto, provides internationally trained mental health professionals with professional language and cultural communication skills, as well as Canadian work experience and currency, to prepare its students for employment and professional registration in Canada.


Students admitted to the BREM program have already completed entry-to-practice training outside of Canada and worked in the profession for at least two years. BREM does not offer re-training for those educated in another field.


By going through the BREM program, students develop their ability to practise in Ontario and deepen their understanding of the entry-to-practice competencies.


Bridge to Registration and Employment in Mental Health: Registration Information for BREM Participants


The Registration Committee accepts successful completion of the Bridge to Registration and Employment in Mental Health (Registration Stream) program as satisfying Section 6(1)(1)(iv) of the Registration Regulation:


6(1) Subject to section 7 and subsection 13 (2), the following are non-exemptible registration requirements for a Registered Psychotherapist certificate of registration:


1) The applicant must…


(iv) have such other education and training, which must include one or more programs in psychotherapy, together with any further education or training, or combination of education and training, that when taken together evidences, in the opinion of the Registration Committee, successful completion of a program that is substantially equivalent to a program referred to in subparagraph i or ii.


This means that applicants to the CRPO can demonstrate that they have met the education requirement for registration through successful completion of the BREM (Registration Stream) program, along with prior international training assessed by BREM.


BREM participants applying for registration with the CRPO can ask BREM to send a transcript confirming that they have completed or substantially completed the BREM (Registration Stream) program. Completion of the BREM (Registration Stream) program means that applicants will not need to submit credential assessments or other information about their international training to CRPO.


Interested in applying to the BREM program?


If you are an internationally trained mental health professional interested in completing the BREM (Registration Stream) program, please visit the BREM website for information on eligibility and program requirements.


Please note that decisions on admission to the BREM (Registration Stream) program are made solely by BREM. CRPO is not involved in assessing program candidates and is not able to comment on the program’s requirements.


Please note that decisions on admission to the BREM (Registration Stream) program are made solely by BREM. CRPO is not involved in assessing program candidates and is not able to comment on the program’s requirements.

Accepted Bridging Program

Mennonite New Life Centre of Toronto

  • Accepted Bridging Program

    Program: Bridge to Registration and Employment in Mental Health (BREM) Registration Stream Recognition


    Date: April 25, 2019


    By going through the BREM program, students develop their ability to practise in Ontario and deepen their understanding of the entry-to-practice competencies.

    Read more here

Recognized Program FAQs

Programs are required to renew their recognition every five years. If they do not successfully renew their recognition, this will be noted next to the program name. If there is no note and the program is listed on this page, it is still recognized.

CRPO can’t make recommendations. Please contact the programs directly for more information.

Please contact the programs directly for more information.

Please contact the programs directly for more information.

CRPO does not make decisions on whether someone is admitted to a recognized program. When you apply to CRPO, only your master’s-level training in psychotherapy is evaluated. If you have been admitted to and successfully completed a recognized program, you will be considered to have satisfied the education requirement for registration.


All students in recognized programs are expected to have completed bachelor’s-level education prior to beginning the master’s-level program. It is up to the education programs to set their own admissions criteria and assess whether potential students have suitable bachelor’s-level education. Please contact the program(s) you are interested in directly to see if they require a bachelor’s degree specifically or if they have a Prior Learning Assessment and Recognition (PLAR) process in place to determine bachelor’s-level equivalence. Programs employing a PLAR process must ensure it meets CRPO’s PLAR Guidelines.

No, the recognition application must be submitted by the school. More information about the process of applying for recognition is available on our Education Provider Information page.


Even if your school isn’t recognized, you can apply as an individual from a non-recognized program.

Non-Recognized Programs


If the program you have completed or substantially completed is not a CRPO recognized/accepted program, then you must select the non-recognized program application type and fill out the Mapping Tool to demonstrate your education is substantially equivalent to a recognized program. Non-recognized programs must meet the Program Definition Policy.


In order to satisfy the education requirement for registration, applicants must demonstrate that they have completed formal, structured, graduate-level coursework that developed their understanding of each competency. Professional experience cannot be substituted for formal training in meeting the education requirement for registration.


Other education and training that is not part of a coherent psychotherapy program must have admission criteria and an evaluative or certification component in order to be accepted by CRPO. Professional development workshops or seminars lacking an evaluative component will not be accepted.


If you apply with training from a non-recognized program and staff is uncertain whether you have completed training that meets the registration requirements, your application would be referred to a panel of the Registration Committee for further review. As part of the panel process, you would receive a copy of staff’s detailed evaluation and would have the opportunity to respond. If the panel identifies a specific gap in your training, they could require you to complete further training in that area as a requirement for registration. If the gaps are numerous or significant, your application may be refused and you would need to complete further training before re-applying.

Applicant Mapping Tool

Download the Fillable Mapping Tool

  • Applicant Mapping Tool

    Applicants who are not students or graduates of a CRPO recognized/accepted program must use the competencies mapping tool to demonstrate how their education and training can be considered substantially equivalent to a recognized program. The tool allows applicants to articulate how they have developed the knowledge, skill and judgment required for entry into the profession.

    Download here
Mapping Tool Evaluation Rubric

CRPO Evaluation Tool for Determining Substantial Equivalence of Psychotherapy Education & Training

  • Applicant Mapping Tool

    This document provides a sample of the rubric used by CRPO staff to assess education and training from non-recognized programs. It is provided for information only. Applicants do NOT need to fill out the document as part of their application. Completion of this document does NOT constitute submitting an application.

    Download here

Non-Recognized Program FAQs

No. Because non-recognized programs have not gone through the recognized process and provided all the relevant information, we are not able to pre-assess whether they will meet the registration requirements. You will need to fill out the application form, including the Mapping Tool, in order for the education to be assessed by staff. You may wish to research the offerings of the CRPO recognized programs to see if the non-recognized program appears comparable. You may also wish to compare CRPO’s registration requirements with the registration requirements of other Ontario regulatory colleges whose registrants can practise psychotherapy (those that regulate psychologists, social workers, nurses, occupational therapists and physicians) as you may be better suited to apply to another college.

Yes. You can apply through the non-recognized program application type. Alternatively, you may wish to complete the CRPO accepted bridging program and apply through the CRPO recognized/accepted program application type.

Yes. Please see the Requirements Overview page to read information for out-of-province registrants.

Clinical Experience Recognition


Programs granted clinical experience (CE) recognition on top of academic recognition have demonstrated that clinical experience hours obtained in the program meet CRPO’s requirements and develop students’ competence in psychotherapy. All hours successfully completed through a CE-recognized program will be accepted toward meeting CRPO registration requirements. Programs will report completed hours directly to CRPO on their students’ behalf.


Students from the programs listed below no longer need to submit individual confirmation forms to report practicum, clinic, or student practice hours completed on or after April 1, 2018. Students should contact their program to request that they report the total number of practicum hours (direct client contact and clinical supervision) to CRPO.


Students from non-recognized programs and registrants updating CE hours after graduation will still need to submit detailed confirmation forms.

Clinical Experience Recognized Programs

Listed below are programs granted clinical experience recognition:

  • Clinical Experience Recognized Programs

    Adler Graduate Professional School Inc. (Toronto)


    Master of Psychology


  • Clinical Experience Recognized Programs

    Canadian International Institute of Art Therapy


    Art Psychotherapy Diploma

  • Clinical Experience Recognized Programs

    Diploma, Toronto Institute for Relational Psychotherapy


    Master of Psychology

  • Clinical Experience Recognized Programs

    Gestalt Institute of Toronto


    Diploma, Five-Year Training Program in Gestalt Psychotherapy

  • Clinical Experience Recognized Programs

    Martin Luther University College, Wilfrid Laurier University

    (formerly Waterloo Lutheran Seminary)



    Master of Arts in Theology – Spiritual Care and Psychotherapy

  • Clinical Experience Recognized Programs

    Ontario Association of Jungian Analysts


    Analyst Training Program

  • Clinical Experience Recognized Programs

    Ontario Psychotherapy and Counseling Program


    Diploma in Psychotherapy with focus on Psychodynamic Therapy

  • Clinical Experience Recognized Programs

    Saint Paul University


    Master of Arts in Counselling and Spirituality

  • Clinical Experience Recognized Programs

    Toronto Art Therapy Institute


    Graduate Level Diploma in Art Therapy

  • Clinical Experience Recognized Programs

    Toronto Institute of Contemporary Psychoanalysis


    Diploma in Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy

  • Clinical Experience Recognized Programs

    Toronto Institute for Relational Psychotherapy


    Diploma, Toronto Institute for Relational Psychotherapy

  • Clinical Experience Recognized Programs

    Tyndale University College and Seminary


    Master of Divinity – Counselling Major – Clinical Stream

  • Clinical Experience Recognized Programs

    University of Guelph


    Master in Psychotherapy

  • Clinical Experience Recognized Programs

    University of Guelph


    Master in Relational and Family Therapy (formerly M.Sc. Couple and Family Therapy Program)

  • Clinical Experience Recognized Programs

    Vancouver Art Therapy Institute


    Graduate Level Diploma in Art Therapy

  • Clinical Experience Recognized Programs

    Western University


    Master of Arts in Counselling Psychology

  • Clinical Experience Recognized Programs

    Yorkville University


    Master of Arts in Counselling Psychology

 Instructions for Reporting Hours


  1. Once you have finished your clinical experience hours with the program, contact your school to request that they report hours to CRPO. You should only request this if you have already created an account with CRPO. If you have not yet created an account, CRPO will not be able to process the hours.
  2. Program staff will send confirmation of the total hours to CRPO.
  3. The hours will be added to your account shortly.


If your application is in-progress, you will not be able to see any hours until your application is approved.

Clinical Experience Recognition FAQs

Only programs who have been granted academic recognition can apply for CE recognition.


If you completed a non-recognized program, it is not eligible for CE recognition.If your program is recognized, they may have chosen not to apply for CE recognition or their CE recognition application may have been refused. Please contact your program directly for more information.

Please follow the instructions on the Updating Clinical experience Hours page.

  • The program may not have reported the hours to CRPO yet.
  • CRPO may be processing the hours currently.
  • If your application has not yet been approved, you won’t be able to see the hours even if they’ve been processed. You’ll need to wait until your registration is finalized in order to see the hours.

No. Please wait until you have finished your practicum placement(s) to report hours.

No. This process can only be used for hours completed on or after April 1, 2018, because the requirements for hours were different prior to that date. If you need to report hours completed prior to April 1, 2018, please follow the instructions on the Updating Clinical Experience Hours page.

Programs are required to renew their CE recognition when they renew their academic recognition every five years. If they do not successfully renew their recognition, this will be noted next to the program name. If there is no note and the program is listed on this page, it is still recognized.

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