Determining Your CRPO Application Type

Which Application Type Fits My Situation?

This tool is intended as a resource to aid individuals in determining which application type to select when applying to register with CRPO.

  • Determining Your CRPO Application Type

    Which Application Type Fits My Situation?

    This tool does not serve as advice, an opinion, or evidence of whether an application will meet CRPO registration requirements. The questions in the tool do not cover all registration requirements. All applications are assessed by CRPO on a case-by-case basis. CRPO staff will make a final determination on which application type applies to your situation after you submit the application.This tool does not serve as advice, an opinion, or evidence of whether an application will meet CRPO registration requirements. The questions in the tool do not cover all registration requirements. All applications are assessed by CRPO on a case-by-case basis. CRPO staff will make a final determination on which application type applies to your situation after you submit the application.

  • Do you want to apply for a temporary license that is valid for a maximum of nine months?

    If you are outside Ontario and interested in providing services to a client in Ontario, please see the guidance on the Practice Matters page linked in Related Resources below. You can also visit the Cross-Border Therapy Tool page to determine whether registration is required.


    Note: you will not be able to convert a temporary license into a longer-term license. You would need to re-apply through another registration route. If you anticipate working in Ontario for more than nine months or if your end date is uncertain, please answer “No”.

  • Do you have an offer of employment or appointment that relates to the practice or teaching of psychotherapy and that does not exceed nine months?

    If you are self-employed, please answer “No”.

  • Based on your response, you do not qualify for registration through the Temporary route. If you would like to apply through another application type, please click “Restart”.

  • Are you registered in good standing with one of the Canadian statutory regulatory bodies listed?

    • College of Counselling Therapy of Prince Edward Island (CCTPEI);
    • College of Counselling Therapists of New Brunswick (CCTNB);
    • Nova Scotia College of Counselling Therapists (NSCCT); or
    • Ordre des Psychologues du Québec (holder of a Psychotherapy Permit only)Ordre des Psychologues du Québec (holder of a Psychotherapy Permit only)
  • Based on your response, you can select the Temporary application type. CRPO staff will make a final determination on which application type applies to your situation after you submit the application.


    Please note that if the temporary position will involve providing client care, another Registered Psychotherapist must agree to be responsible for ensuring client care continues following the expiry of your temporary certificate of registration or departure from Ontario. The requirement may be waived if the Registrar is of the opinion that, in the circumstances, there is no concern regarding the need for continuing care. In your application, you will be asked to provide a letter from the RP or an explanation as to why the need for continuing care is not necessary.


  • Are you registered with a statutory regulatory body that regulates the practice of psychotherapy outside Canada?

  • Based on your response, you can select the Temporary application type. CRPO staff will make a final determination on which application type applies to your situation after you submit the application.


    Please note that if the temporary position will involve providing client care, another Registered Psychotherapist must agree to be responsible for ensuring client care continues following the expiry of your temporary certificate of registration or departure from Ontario. The requirement may be waived if the Registrar is of the opinion that, in the circumstances, there is no concern regarding the need for continuing care. In your application, you will be asked to provide a letter from the RP or an explanation as to why the need for continuing care is not necessary.

  • Based on your response, you do not qualify for registration through the Temporary route. If you would like to apply through another application type, please click “Restart”.

  • Are you registered in good standing with one of the Canadian statutory regulatory bodies listed?

    • College of Counselling Therapy of Prince Edward Island (CCTPEI);
    • College of Counselling Therapists of New Brunswick (CCTNB);
    • Nova Scotia College of Counselling Therapists (NSCCT); or
    • Ordre des Psychologues du Québec (holder of a Psychotherapy Permit only)
  • Based on your response, you can select the Labour mobility application type. CRPO staff will make a final determination on which application type applies to your situation after you submit the application.

  • Please review the list of recognized programs linked below. Is your training program listed?

  • Have you graduated from this program?

  • Please review the date of recognition listed for your program. Is your graduation date after the date of recognition or within the five years prior to recognition?



    • Your program was recognized on April 1, 2020. You graduated in 2022. Because you graduated on or after the date of recognition, click “Yes” below.
    • Your program was recognized on April 1, 2020. You graduated in 2018. Because you graduated within the five years prior to recognition, click “Yes” below.
    • Your program was recognized on April 1, 2020. You graduated in 2010. Because you graduated more than five years prior to recognition, you are not considered to have completed a recognized program. Click “No” below. 
  • Based on your responses, you can select the CRPO recognized/accepted program application type. CRPO staff will make a final determination on which application type applies to your situation after you submit the application.

  • Have you substantially completed the program and are you currently enrolled in it?

    Substantial completion means that you:


    • are in your final semester prior to graduation;
    • have completed 90% of your program*; or
    • have completed your program with the exception of a thesis.


    *CRPO will accept applications from students who have substantially completed their coursework (i.e. 90% done classroom courses) even if they have not started or substantially completed clinical placements.


  • Based on your responses, you can select the CRPO recognized/accepted program application type. CRPO staff will make a final determination on which application type applies to your situation after you submit the application.

  • Based on your responses, you are not currently eligible to submit an application.


    If your program is not yet substantially complete, please wait to submit the application until the program is substantially complete or you have graduated. At that time, you can re-complete this assessment to determine which application type to select..


    If you are not currently enrolled in the program, please re-enroll in the program and apply once the program is substantially complete. At that time, you can re-complete this assessment to determine which application type to select. Applicants are required to have graduated from their training program or be actively engaged in pursuing completion of the program (i.e., currently enrolled in the program).


    If you choose to apply for registration based on an incomplete program that you are not enrolled in, your application will be referred to a panel of the Registration Committee for further review and possible refusal.

  • Are you trained in Traditional Indigenous Healing Practices?

  • Based on your responses, you can select the Indigenous registration pathway application type. Your application will be reviewed by Registered Psychotherapists with experience and training in Traditional Healing Practices, in accordance with CRPO’s Indigenous Pathway policy.

    Before starting the application, please review the entry-to-practice competencies linked in Related Resources below to confirm that your training has covered all required areas.

  • Is your training program a graduate-level psychotherapy program that meets CRPO’s Program Definition policy?

  • Based on your responses, your training does not appear to meet the minimum education requirement. The minimum education requirement for registration is a graduate-level psychotherapy program that meets all of the criteria in the Program Definition policy.


    Additional info body copy: You are encouraged to complete a recognized program, accepted bridging program, or a substantially equivalent training program before applying for registration.


    If you apply for registration based on your current education, your application will be referred to a panel of the Registration Committee for further review and possible refusal.


  • Please review the entry-to-practice competencies linked below. Has your graduate-level psychotherapy training covered all of the entry-to-practice competencies?

  • Based on your responses, you are encouraged to complete a recognized program, accepted bridging program, or a substantially equivalent training program before applying for registration.


    If you choose to complete additional training, please note that other education and training that is not part of a coherent psychotherapy program must have admission criteria and an evaluative or certification component in order to be accepted by CRPO. Professional development workshops or seminars lacking an evaluative component will not be accepted.


    Once you have completed training that covers all of the entry-to-practice-competencies, you can re-complete this assessment to determine which application type to select.


    If you choose to apply for registration based on your current education, your application may be referred to a panel of the Registration Committee for further review and possible refusal.

  • Have you graduated from your psychotherapy training program?

  • Based on your responses, you can select the non-recognized program application type. You will be asked to fill out the Mapping Tool to demonstrate how your education and training is substantially equivalent to a recognized program. CRPO staff will make a final determination on which application type applies to your situation after you submit the application.

    See the Mapping Tool here
  • Have you substantially completed the program and are you currently enrolled in it?

    Substantial completion means that you:


    • are in your final semester prior to graduation;
    • have completed 90% of your program*; or
    • have completed your program with the exception of a thesis.


    *At this time, CRPO will accept applications from students who have substantially completed their coursework (i.e. 90% done classroom courses) even if they have not started or substantially completed clinical placements.

  • Based on your responses, you can select the Non-recognized program application type. You will be asked to fill out the Mapping Tool to demonstrate how your education and training is substantially equivalent to a recognized program. CRPO staff will make a final determination on which application type applies to your situation after you submit the application.

    See the Mapping Tool here
  • Based on your responses, you are not currently eligible to submit an application.


    If your program is not yet substantially complete, please wait to submit the application until the program is substantially complete or you have graduated. At that time, you can re-complete this assessment to determine which application type to select.


    If you are not currently enrolled in the program, please re-enroll in the program and apply once the program is substantially complete. At that time, you can re-complete this assessment to determine which application type to select. Applicants are required to have graduated from their training program or be actively engaged in pursuing completion of the program (i.e., currently enrolled in the program).


    If you choose to apply for registration based on an incomplete program that you are not enrolled in, your application will be referred to a panel of the Registration Committee for further review and possible refusal.

Related Resources

For additional information, see the resources below.

  • Professional Practice information

    Cross Border Therapy Tool

    Cross-border psychotherapy practice involves a therapist physically located in one province, territory, state or country, and a client who is located in another.

    Read more here
  • How to Apply

    Labour Mobility

    Ontario facilitates labour mobility via the Agreement on Internal Trade and its Labour Mobility Act. CRPO accepts equivalent qualifications from other provinces, streamlining registration while following specific rules and criteria.

    Read more here
  • How to Apply

    Recognized/Non-Recognized Programs

    When you apply for registration with CRPO, you will need to indicate whether you have completed a recognized training program/accepted bridging program or a non-recognized program.

    Read more here
  • Apply to CRPO

    Entry-to-Practice Competency Profile

    The competency profile lists the competencies that must be possessed by individuals entering the profession for the first time, in order for them to practise safely, effectively and ethically across a variety of practice settings.

    Read more here
  • Policies

    Program Definition Policy

    This policy is intended to provide potential applicants through the non-recognized program route with a way to assess for themselves whether they have completed sufficient training in psychotherapy prior to submitting an application for registration.

    Read more here
  • Policies

    Indigenous Pathway Policy

    This Council is committed to the development of policies and processes that support the registration of appropriately qualified Indigenous practitioners of psychotherapy through consultation and collaboration with Indigenous (First Nations, Inuit and Métis) communities.

    Read more here

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