Practising with Clinical Supervision

Standard 4.2: Practising with Clinical Supervision

The Professional Practice Standards regarding practising with clinical supervision. This includes the standard, examples in demonstrating the standard, and related resources.

Practising with Clinical Supervision

Standard 4.2: Practising with Clinical Supervision

The Professional Practice Standards regarding practising with clinical supervision. This includes the standard, examples in demonstrating the standard, and related resources.

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The Standard


4.2.1 Registrants practise with clinical supervision when they are required to do so because of their registration category, when encountering a challenging client situation, expanding their area of practice, or by order of a CRPO committee.

Standard 4.2

Demonstrating the Standard

  • Standard 4.2

    A registrant demonstrates meeting the standard by, for example:


    • Entering and adhering to a clinical supervision agreement.
    • Keeping a record of clinical supervision received.
    • Informing clients of the supervisory arrangement, including if appropriate, the identity and contact information of the clinical supervisor and the client’s right to contact the supervisor.
  • Standard 4.2

    A registrant demonstrates meeting the standard by, for example:


    • Ensuring clients are informed that a clinical supervisor has access to their identifying information if this is the case.
    • Receiving clinical supervision with reasonable frequency as determined with the clinical supervisor.
    • Participating in clinical supervision in a professional, curious, and engaged manner.
Standard 4.2


Registrants required to practise with clinical supervision participate meaningfully to promote the purpose and effectiveness of clinical supervision. Meaningful participation includes such things as communicating a case history, presenting issues and assessments, and raising complex clinical or ethical issues encountered during treatment.

Clinical supervisors and supervisees have a shared responsibility of applying professional judgment to determine the appropriate frequency of clinical supervision. Factors may include:


  • The level of experience and competency areas of the supervisee (that is, a newer practitioner will require more frequent clinical supervision)
  • The nature of the therapy (modality, clientele, presenting issues)
  • Caseload (a supervisee seeing a larger number of clients will require more supervision)
  • Other supports available (peer group, consultation, administrative supervision)


Setting regular meetings in advance is an important practice for making clinical supervision a habit and ensuring issues are addressed promptly. For example, a relatively new practitioner such as an RP(Qualifying) registrant, should receive a recommended minimum of approximately one hour of clinical supervision per week while a more experienced practitioner such as an RP working toward independent practice should receive a recommended minimum of approximately one hour every two weeks. Additionally, shorter meetings can be held as needed.


When required clinical supervision hours have been completed, registrants must continue to meet with their supervisor on a regular basis, until such time as they have met all of the requirements for ‘independent practice’, i.e., practice without clinical supervision.

It is the responsibility of supervisees to maintain a record of supervision received. The record shall include:


  • name and contact information of the clinical supervisor;
  • a copy of the supervision agreement;
  • dates and number of hours of clinical supervision received;
  • format (individual, dyadic, or group); and
  • Issues discussed at meetings or in correspondence with the clinical supervisor.

Registrants are expected to inform clients if they are required to practise with clinical supervision. Registrants should also inform the client that they may contact the clinical supervisor directly to ask questions or express concerns about services provided by the supervisee. Where information identifying the client will be shared with the clinical supervisor, the supervisee must obtain the informed consent of the client. This would be the case, for example, where the clinical supervisor is reviewing the clinical records of a newer therapist.

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