Practice Matters

Standard 3.1: Confidentiality – Limits to Confidentiality

Practice Standard Highlights

This article was first published in the April 2024 Communiqué 


The commentary to Standard 3.1 Confidentiality emphasizes the importance of confidentiality in the psychotherapy profession. The commentary goes on to list some of the limitations to confidentiality. RPs must ensure clients are aware of these limits before treatment begins. In addition to discussing these limits as needed and answering any questions, many RPs find it helpful to list the limits on their intake or consent form. RPs can use some of the wording from the commentary in developing such a form. They can indicate, for example, that client information is maintained in strict confidence, except with the client’s consent or as required by law, for example:


  • To prevent a significant risk of serious harm to a person
  • Where a mandatory report is required (e.g., to a Children’s Aid Society where a child is in need of protection)
  • Where disclosure is required for a legal proceeding
  • To facilitate an investigation or inspection authorized by warrant or by any provincial or federal law
  • To contact a relative, friend or potential substitute decision-maker if the client is injured, incapacitated, or ill and unable to give consent personally
  • Disclosing information to the College (e.g., when a complaint has been made about a registrant, or assessment of the registrant’s practice as part of the Quality Assurance Program)

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