Registration Exam Dates Now Posted

The College of Registered Psychotherapists of Ontario and Compass Centre for Examination Development are pleased to announce the dates for the April 2025 administration of the CRPO Registration Examination.

January 20, 2025


The College of Registered Psychotherapists of Ontario and Compass Centre for Examination Development are pleased to announce the dates for the April 2025 administration of the CRPO Registration Examination. Registrants who are eligible to write the exam will receive direct communication in late-January.  


The exam will be delivered exclusively using an online platform with remote proctoring, in partnership with MonitorEDU. The remotely proctored examination will be available to eligible candidates on April 23, 24 and 25. Candidates are responsible for indicating their intention to write the examination with CRPO and registering for the examination using the MonitorEDU registration system. It is also the responsibility of candidates to meet the minimum standards for remotely proctored examinations as identified on the CRPO website. Registrants who are eligible to write the exam will receive direct communication in late-January with further instructions and timelines associated with indicating their intention to write the examination.


Candidates are responsible for providing a safe, secure, and private area for testing. Candidates must meet the established minimum requirements for internet connectivity, technical hardware, and testing environment. Candidates’ hardware requirements and internet bandwidth must be pre-checked through MonitorEDU.

Remote proctoring has unique safety and security requirements that include locking down the candidate’s computer browser to prevent access to any programs or sites other than the examination platform. The remote proctor is a live individual who monitors the candidate through livestreaming using the candidate’s computer webcam and a smartphone camera.


Additional information related to frequently asked questions, Candidate Agreement, specific minimum requirements for technology and environmental conditions and exam prep resources is posted on the Registration Exam page.


Universal Design

To support all persons in engaging fully in the Registration Examination process, the following priority steps (in accordance with WCAG AA standards) have been undertaken for all test-takers:


  • Generous test-taking time built-in to regular test-taking time allotment
  • Customizable font size for examination print
  • Short sentences with increased white space on screen
  • No use of ‘flash’ or colour-dependent information
  • No use of photographs, diagrams, or charts
  • Available personal breaks
  • Access to medication and/or glucose meter*
  • Access to food and/or beverage*
  • “Stop clock” feature for individuals to feed their infant, express milk, or take breaks due to recent childbirth or current pregnancy*


*Candidate must inform their regulatory college of their need at the time they confirm their intent to write the examination. An accommodation form and supporting documentation is NOT required.


Exam Accommodations 

Registrants with accommodation needs will alert CRPO and submit complete accommodation documentation at the time they register for the exam in late-January. This will give the examination hosting authority sufficient time to evaluate the request for accommodations, seek resources and confirm arrangements.

If you intend to write in the upcoming spring exam and require exam accommodations, you are strongly recommended to visit the Exam Accommodations page (https://crpo.ca/registrant-information/registrant-requirements/exam-accommodations/) and to start preparing the necessary documentation for your request in time for late-January.


 Steps for Applying for an Accommodation 

  1. Have the Documentation of Disability/Condition/Injury-Related Testing Accommodation Needs form (Section Two) completed by a currently registered medical doctor, psychologist, psychological associate or other regulated health professional who is familiar with you and who has specific training, expertise and experience in the diagnosis of the condition(s) for which the accommodation is being requested. This form must be current (within five years) of applying for accessibility and reasonable accommodations for an examination sitting. Updated assessments and/or diagnostic information are not required as part of the application process.
  2. Fill out the Computer-Based Testing Accessibility and Reasonable Testing Accommodations Request form (Section One).
  3. Gather additional supporting documentation if it is helpful to clarifying your situation. This may include:
    1. A letter from your workplace signed by an appropriate representative of the workplace, dated, and on letterhead that describes workplace accommodations that would also be relevant to writing the examination.
    2. A letter or documentation from an educational institution signed by an appropriate representative of Student Support Services/Access Office, dated, and on institutional letterhead that confirms test-taking accommodations. Please note that accommodations for assignments only will not be sufficient.
  4. Submit all documentation from steps 1, 2 and 3 to your regulatory college by the deadline to confirm your intent to write the examination.


All documentation must be specific to the particular candidate requesting the accessibility and reasonable accommodation and must be specific in its description of the accommodation required to provide the particular candidate with an equal opportunity to attain the same level of performance on the examination as persons without an identified disability.


If you require assistance accessing the Exam Accommodations page, please contact info@crpo.ca.


Frequently Asked Questions 


For a full list of Registration Exam FAQs, please click here. Below are some exam eligibility FAQs related to the April 2025 exam.  


Who is eligible for the April 2025 exam sitting? 


To be eligible for the April 2025 exam, registrants must meet the following criteria:


  1. Final transcript/credential assessment was received directly from your institution/third-party credential assessment agency.
  2. Your CRPO registration date is January 15, 2025, or earlier.


What is required to confirm exam eligibility?  


A final transcript/ credential assessment that confirms your degree/ diploma has been awarded/ conferred is required. If you completed your psychotherapy program outside of Canada, a final credential assessment is required. If you have not yet contacted your institution/credential assessment agency to send us your official final transcript/credential assessment verifying that you have successfully completed your psychotherapy program, please have the institution/credential assessment agency send it immediately. The final transcript must be sent directly from the institution to CRPO via email to: info@crpo.ca. The final transcript/ credential assessment must be received no later than February 3, 2025 (deadline).


I have completed all my program requirements, and I am awaiting my graduation. Can I still qualify for the exam? 


If you had applied to CRPO when you had substantially completed your program, documentation received from the institution confirming that all requirements to graduate have been met is required prior to signing up for the exam.


CRPO will accept a final transcript, letter from the institution, or diploma from the institution. If you have not yet graduated, the documentation must confirm that all requirements have been met and indicate the expected date of graduation. The documentation must be sent directly from the institution to CRPO via email to: info@crpo.ca no later than February 3, 2025 (deadline).


How do I sign-up for the exam? 

Due to an upcoming system maintenance that will affect exam surveying in the database system, exam surveying will take place via SurveyMonkey. A link to the exam sign-up form will be sent to eligible registrants.


Registrants who are eligible to write the exam will receive direct communication in late-January. 


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