At the session, the discussion was used to look specifically at what it means to be strategic in the context of:
- the required regulatory response to system pressures (noting that they have been heightened by the pandemic)
- a clear call to action in ensuring that the College is working to dismantle barriers to access for members of equity-deserving communities who are seeking the protection afforded by or registration with the regulator
- opportunities that will come from continued steps towards modernizing the governance of Regulated Health Professions Act colleges in Ontario
The planning session concluded with a number of decisions having been made. These included:
- CRPO’s regulatory objectives remain relevant but can be improved to:
- provide a more accurate way of articulating CRPO’s role within the mental health system
- incorporate the importance of a trauma-informed approach in all of the College’s work
- Council would benefit from more engagement with the CPMF (both requirements and progress) as a way of tying the metrics for ‘excellence’ to the college-specific vision of regulating psychotherapists.
- Council is committed to ongoing governance improvement and is interested in exploring enhanced onboarding and succession planning for leadership positions.
- the Executive Committee was directed to review the current offerings and approach and to consider:
- arranging ‘council buddies’ for all newly elected or appointed members
- committing resources to a formal mentoring program for members interested in leadership positions
- providing more opportunities for exposure to leadership roles (guest chairing, committee observership, etc.)
- including non-Council appointees in succession planning
- the Executive Committee was directed to review the current offerings and approach and to consider:
- Communication with stakeholders needs to be more strategic and focused on supporting understanding of the right touch, risk-based approach and to highlight the College’s commitment to trauma-informed practices