Strategic Plan 2023-2026

Fostering Excellence, Trustworthiness, & Accessibility

See CRPO's strategic planning insights, including regulatory objectives and mission alignment. Learn about the commitment to public protection, transparency, and fostering excellence in psychotherapeutic practice.

Strategic Plan 2023-2026

Fostering Excellence, Trustworthiness & Accessibility

See CRPO's strategic planning insights, including regulatory objectives and mission alignment. Learn about the commitment to public protection, transparency, and fostering excellence in psychotherapeutic practice. See the detailed Strategic Plan document for comprehensive information.

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Strategic Plan 2023-2026

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  • Strategic Plan 2023-2026

    On September 22, 2022, the Council and senior management team of the CRPO met in person for the College’s second strategic planning session. Coming to work together in-person, the group entered into the day with the aim of reviewing and confirming or revising the vision and plan that was set in 2019.

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Reviewed Resources

In preparation for the planning session, Council was asked to review and reflect on resources listed below. The resources provide a picture of what is required of health regulators.

  • Strategic Plan 2023-2026

    Situational Analysis on the State of Governance

    The Council of the College of Registered Psychotherapists of Ontario mandated this analysis to ensure its by-laws, procedures and policies, as they relate to governance, are in keeping with modern practices.

    Read more here
  • Strategic Plan 2023-2026

    Regulatory Objectives

    Regulatory objectives are specific and measurable efforts needed to achieve the goal of public protection dictated by the Regulated Health Professions Act, 1991.

    Read more here
  • College Performance Measurment Framework

    Enhancing Public Protection Though the CPMF

    his CPMF tool and process was introduced by the Ontario Ministry of Health in 2020. It applies to all 26 health profession regulatory colleges under the Regulated Health Professions Act, 1991. 

    Read more here
  • Strategic Plan 2023-2026

    Strategic Plan 2023-2026

    On December 12, 2024, the Council re-affirmed the CRPO’s strategic priorities.

    Read more here


At the session, the discussion was used to look specifically at what it means to be strategic in the context of:


  • the required regulatory response to system pressures (noting that they have been heightened by the pandemic)
  • a clear call to action in ensuring that the College is working to dismantle barriers to access for members of equity-deserving communities who are seeking the protection afforded by or registration with the regulator
  • opportunities that will come from continued steps towards modernizing the governance of Regulated Health Professions Act colleges in Ontario


The planning session concluded with a number of decisions having been made. These included:


  • CRPO’s regulatory objectives remain relevant but can be improved to:
    • provide a more accurate way of articulating CRPO’s role within the mental health system
    • incorporate the importance of a trauma-informed approach in all of the College’s work
  • Council would benefit from more engagement with the CPMF (both requirements and progress) as a way of tying the metrics for ‘excellence’ to the college-specific vision of regulating psychotherapists.
  • Council is committed to ongoing governance improvement and is interested in exploring enhanced onboarding and succession planning for leadership positions.
    • the Executive Committee was directed to review the current offerings and approach and to consider:
      • arranging ‘council buddies’ for all newly elected or appointed members
      • committing resources to a formal mentoring program for members interested in leadership positions
      • providing more opportunities for exposure to leadership roles (guest chairing, committee observership, etc.)
      • including non-Council appointees in succession planning
  • Communication with stakeholders needs to be more strategic and focused on supporting understanding of the right touch, risk-based approach and to highlight the College’s commitment to trauma-informed practices
Strategic Plan 2023-2026

Priorities, Goals, & Objectives

Presence as a credible, expert regulator

Build CRPO’s presence as a reliable resource for issues related to safe, ethical and competent psychotherapy care.


Goal: CRPO will be recognized as a leader in ensuring the value of psychotherapy, its role in the mental health system, and what constitutes safety, competence and quality in psychotherapeutic practice and excellence in regulatory oversight. CRPO will be the first source for all issues related to Registered Psychotherapists among health professions, the public, government, the media and other system partners, and will be recognized as an exemplar of fostering professional competency and standards of practice.



  • Continue to strengthen the practice of psychotherapy through clearly defined standards, continuing competence requirements and support for excellence in practice
  • Create public outreach to build understanding about psychotherapy and make CRPO more visible and accessible
  • Cooperate with other system partners to build knowledge about and access to psychotherapy as a regulated professionBuild CRPO’s presence as a reliable resource for issues related to safe, ethical and competent psychotherapy care.


Clear and effective communications

Further develop effective communication to support clear, transparent and dynamic interaction with system partners.


Goal: CRPO will be in active dialogue and communication with the public, registrants, government and other system partners. A focus on ensuring communications with the public and registrants will support their experience of CRPO as open, transparent and accessible. The public will know where to locate information about Regulated Psychotherapists and how to access CRPO to respond to questions and address concerns about care. Registrants will report clarity about the role and purpose of CRPO, will feel their modality of work is respected and valued, and will recognize CRPO as a supportive resource for good practice. CRPO and registrants will both recognize their shared goal of maintaining excellent practice to build public trust.



  • Develop effective, proactive communication initiatives based on assessment of public need for information
  • Strengthen communications with registrants, with a focus on the College’s commitment to fairness, due process and a trauma informed approach, to ensure clarity and transparency and to build trust and a better understanding of regulatory requirements
  • Actively participate in efforts to create useful dialogue with system partners across Ontario’s mental health sector

Infrastructure that is fit for purpose.

Continue to strengthen operational and governance infrastructure.


Goal: CRPO will have governance practices, technology and information resources that will foster a culture of growth, continual improvement, adaptability and responsiveness to the public, registrants and other system partners, while meeting all legislative accountability requirements.



  • Continue to cultivate excellence, accountability and responsiveness among Council and committee members through professional development and policy guidance
  • Foster diversity and inclusion among staff, Council and registered psychotherapists • Implement effective governance and risk-management frameworks across all operational and regulatory functions
  • Measure progress through strategic planning, risk assessment and key performance indicators

Strong and collaborative system partnerships.

Collaborate with system partners to contribute to supporting the mental health system in being more accessible.


Goal: Through collaboration with other system partners, we will build collective best practices, and advocate for changes that will strengthen regulated health professions and improve public access and experience with mental health services.



  • Build on existing relationships among the Colleges whose members have the authority to perform the controlled act of psychotherapy, the Health Professions Regulators of Ontario network and other Canadian psychotherapy regulators to:
    • define and foster leadership in regulatory excellence
    • create collective solutions to allow alignment in addressing concerns with mental health service provision
  • Engage with the Ministry of Health to provide useful and timely information and advice about Registered Psychotherapy and the mental health system
  • Formalize work of recognizing, reporting on and adapting to changes in the practice environment to support health system improvement


Additional Information

For additional information, see the resource below.

  • Family Mental Health Alliance

    Caring Together: Families as Partners in the Mental Health System

    This project was initiated by the Family Mental Health Alliance (FMHA). FMHA is an alliance of family organizations and individual family members working to develop a stronger voice for families in the mental health and addiction system, to strengthen the supports provided to families and to raise awareness of issues from a family perspective.

    Read more here

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